Wednesday 22 July 2009

Omar Epps- Father of 3 speaks

When it comes to parenting…nothing can prepare you” says actor Omar Epps in a new interview with WebMd. As the father of three kids ages 9, 4, and 19 months, Omar certainly knows that parenting isn’t easy , but he does admit that being a parent is the “the greatest job in the world.”
Below are snippets from Omar’s recent interview with WebMd in which he talks about juggling fatherhood with the help of his wife singer Keisha Spivey.
On the most exciting part of fatherhood:
To see them learn something and to really see them go from zero to past zero.
On what he has learned from his children, daughter Aiyanna Yasmine,9, daughter K’marie,4, and son Amir,19 months:
I have learned to keep my innocence. I am an artist, so I have it in me to find the wonder in life. My kids are also pretty disciplined and determined. If they set their mind to do something, they will accomplish it and that is pretty admirable.
On his tips for new dads:
When it comes to parenting, there are many books and a lot of helpful things, but nothing can really prepare you. Once you are driving that ship, it’s the hardest, yet greatest job in the world.
On who wakes up in the middle of the night to attend to the kids:
It’s tough. When I work, my wife sleeps in the one year old’s room. My hours are too crazy and I can’t deal with midnight wake ups, so we make do.
Click here to see a picture of Amir when he was seven months old
On balancing work and home life:
I feel blessed to do what I love and be able to make a living and take care of my family. It has been a great ride so far, so it’s kind of easy to find a balance.

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